Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I'm at a bit of impass with a huge decision on my mind as of late! I could use some suggestions or advice on this issue. The issue is about having a home/apartment.
Before and after graduating from college, my mindset was on moving up to Northern Virginia. However, after living at home for the last few years since then, plans seem to fall through with living up to Northern Virginia. It seems to me that the only reasons I want to move up to NoVa is that it is close to friends.
Now that I have a job here near home, and knowing how hard it is to find what you really want in employment, I've given up on the idea of moving back to NoVa. Now since I live at home with my folks, I am desperatly wanting to move out for so many reasons. Now I could move out and in to apartment, but I find that it would be more financially better if I saved up to buy a home. But to buy a house, I would need to save up financially and that means continually living at home! I don't how much more I can keep my sanity while living with my parents!
It was at dinner tonight that my mom actually came up with the idea of buying land and then eventually building a house! But that means even more time to live at home with buy the land and then save money to build a house! I think the best place to buy land around the area is in a county north of Charlottesville...and near where I work Greene County! They suggested that I start looking for land there since the rates are so low now!
So what do I do???? Do I wait to buy land and/or a my sanity and patience slowly disappears while living with my folks? Or would finding an apartment be easier but lose money from paying rent?

Any ideas or suggestions????


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