Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Live Long and Prosper

Okay, I'll be the first one to tell you that I am a big Star Trek fan. Though I love it, I'm not a fanantic about it like most people. I haven't been to a convention yet nor have I dressed up as a character or alien from it! Yet, I still love watching it (the television shows and the movies) and I love the ideals it represents!
With that introduction, I just wanted to say that I went to see the new film, Star Trek: Nemesis. I have to say though that I was quite disappointed in it. Don't get me wrong, I would still go and see it again because it is Star Trek. However, I felt the movie was a big downer.
I felt that the whole plot of the movie was just too cheesy and underdeveloped. The clone idea was a good idea but how they portrayed the villian seemed two-dimensional. Now, take Khan, who I felt was the best villian of all the movies, now there was a villian! You understood his story, his anquish, his rage against Kirk. He was a perfect mirror for Kirk. However, with Shinzon, trying to emulate the same thing with Kirk/Khan, didn't do it justice with Picard. I mean, the guy is angry at humans because he was cloned from one. It was the Romulans that cloned him and put him in a deep dark mine forever! Yet he is still angry at Picard and humans! I just don't feel it from him!
Another part of the film that just didn't help it was the dialogue! I remember one seen after Enterprise had just rammed the enemy ship, they had problems with the transporters. Picard decides to beam over to stop Shinzon and La Forge tells him that he doesn't know if he can beam him back. Right after Picard beams over, the consoles explode, and La Forge just turns to the crew and says in a monotounous tone, "Well, that's it". Pretty dramatic I must say as they all turn to look at the enemy ship thinking about Picard!
And lastly, I just didn't feel it with the death scene of Data. Over the past year, I heard rumors that Data was going to be the one to die in this so I guess I wasn't really surprised to find out when it happen. It's just how the scene comes to Data destroying the ship and himself seems so unrealistic. It also didn't have the same feeling as when Spock died in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. In that movie, the death of Spock seemed so real and unanticipated. It was a complete shock to everyone and hit deep at the heart. Everybody thought: He's gone, oh my. I can't believe it. But with Nemesis, it didn't seem as emotional with Data because you know he has a replacement with his prototype, B4.
Like I said, I was just disappointed in this movie. I don't know if they will make more....I really hope they do. I just hope that they can write a better movie than this.



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