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Friday, April 18, 2003

Hypothetically speaking.....


Main Entry: al·tru·ism
Pronunciation: 'al-tru-"i-z&m
Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter
Date: 1853
1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

You know I was hoping for a little more audience participation in the previous entry!

Anyway, that was a question that one of my friends from college told us. I thought it was thought provoking! There's not an easy answer in the way you look at it. In making a decision after considering the hypothetical question, there are probably several things you can consider:

1. What does the person have to offer in living on?

Well, the pregnant woman offers life to a new beginning. You would throw a pregnant woman off anyway? For the old black woman, you probably ask what does she have to offer? She has outlived her usefulness, right? Well, she does offer her wisdom for the next generation! What about the Buddist Monk? Well, he is a man of faith and that is what he offers. What it be different if he was Catholic, Protestant, or Muslim. And last, we come to the man who has been convicted of rape. I know a lot of people would suggest he go because of his crime. But does that make it right? He could offer redemption?

2. Why should this person go on living?

In this you question, is there a reason that this person should go to die. It's also a tough question to think about. From a certain standpoint, you question what right does this person have to live? For the pregnant woman, the reason was that she is heaviest of the bunch. What about the elderly black woman? She is old....she has had a long life. Why not end her life now instead of in the possible near future? Her age is a burdon. what about the convicted rapist? He has committed an injustice to society and should pay with his life! It would be his redemption? And what about the Buddist Monk? Some say he should go because he doesn't believe in what I believe! He is a non-believer and therefore his life should not go on!

3. What about you?

Yes, that is the question? Did you think about offering your life to saving others? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for a greater good? That is what altruism is. It's a hard decision that we do make in our lifes even though it is not as life threating as the example stated in the previous entry. I know a few people who have to make a decision like this. For example, my friend Pat wanted to go into the Air Force in December after graduating. It was her life decision to do so. However, in August she found out that she was pregnant. At that point, she made an altruistic decision to sacrifice her dreams and opportunities for the life of her unborn child. We will all make this decision, since as parents we tend to sacrifice our life for the hopes of our children, even it if it's not in a life threating situation. There are other altruistic choices that we make including sacrificing our love, our hope for those that we love deeply.

So, for my answer in that Hypothetical question, I am willing to choose to sacrifice myself for the greater good of the rest. It may not seem like the logical choice over the other canidates but it is my choice.

Just a note, a friend of mine told me about this hypothetical question after he heard it from his youth minister at church. He told us that when the youth minister was asked who he thought should go, the minister said the Buddist monk! His reasons that he said it was because he was a non-believer and should die! Not all people should judge others for what they believe.....but judge upon character!


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