Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Ok...the good news is that I found out that I haven't been screwed over. I'm talking about the land that I bought from my uncle and my troubles with building my house. We were thinking that the spot that I wanted to build at couldn't be built on because it was too rocky underneath. However, my other uncle, who is my contractor, said it was ok to build on that spot. But I swear, I was beginning to feel that this deal wasn't worth it. It was already causing some strain among my family, and even between my parents. Next time, I'm just buying a house instead!

So, I had to watch Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica last night on MTv. I swear it's so funny to watch because you can't help but laugh at Jessica Simpson and feel sorry for Nick Lachey for being married to her. Last night's episode, Jessica went away for a couple of days and Nick decides to decorate the house. When she gets back, she is pissed off at him for doing so. Her reasoning behind her anger.....well, she she wanted to hire a professional designer! But get this, she tells Nick that she only wants to hire one because she doesn't know what the fashion is these days!!! From what I saw, Nick seemed to have done a nice job decorating. Why does she want to waste her money on a decorator when she has her husband? My God!!!! She whines too much about things that go what she expects even though she doesn't know what to do about it. My odds are that Nick is going to get tired of her whining and divorce her in a couple of years!


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