Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

For those of you who are not familiar with online journals, there is a site that allows me to see who reads my journal called SiteMeter. Well, to be honest, it only shows me the domain that they log in under...such as,,! Sometimes I can guess who actually reads it but it's hard to narrow it down from those who use the big domains like AOL. The site also allows me to see how the reader linked to my page....either through a link from a friends journal, a direct link, or even links from searches made from sites such as Yahoo.
With that point being made, I just wanted to say that I keep getting hits from people who search the name "Keri Wurher"! Over a month a go, I saw Eight Legged Freaks, which stars Keri Wurher, and I wrote about it my journal! If you don't know who Keri Wurher is.....she is an actress who I like since she plays great characters that are both strong and beautiful. Also it's not bad when she is a red head!!! Anyway, from this journal, it links it to the search for her name! I'm like greatly impressed with this! I'm just wondering if they come back to read my journal any more!
I also get links to my journal through my poems! Actually one poem helped me find a website of someone that I haven't seen or talked to since I graduated from college. Her name was Marian and I loved her website. She even put my poems on the site to let everyone read for themselves. So when I saw the link from the poem, I chased it back and found Marian's site that I haven't seen in over two years!! Now it's good to know that I've begun to talk to her and she still has her site up!

What a world this internet is! Anyway, I hope to see that more people read my journal. I know I have a few return visitors but they won't say who they are! I'm always glad for the visit!

Oh by the way.....Kelly....are you happy now!!! I wrote something for you to read! I'm hoping for a comment on my journal!


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