Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Out with the old, In with the new!

Well, I figured I might add in some question and answer time on here! Here some questions that I wanted to pass along. I'd like to see everybody do this too!

1. What was your biggest accomplishment in 2002?

My biggest accomplishment in 2002 was finally getting a real job that I enjoyed and didn't involve rude customers and poop! The last year and a half, after finishing college, I went from working in the ticket office at Monticello to working at the SPCA and back to Monticello to working several different positions there! It was on Jan. 2nd of 2002 that I started working for Autosport. I started as a lonely "administrative assistant" but got a promotion in the middle of the year to Dropship Data Specialist and making more money!

2. What are your goals for 2003?

Well, right now, I'm focusing on my biggest goal which is building my own house! I'm the process of getting a loan, completeing the paper work, and looking into designs for a house! Other than that, my goals are to lose weight and get fit because I might go to Hawaii next Thanksgiving with my folks! Also, I like to find that special someone this year so I can take them with me when I go to Hawaii!

3. What was your biggest disappointment of 2002?

Well, for me, it was the death of my great uncle Bob. When he died, my parents took it hard! They went up to see him in Massachusetts every couple weeks until his death in April!
Also, I also have to say that I'm disappointed that I haven't found a long term realtionship this year. I did date a few women, who are still very special to me, but I didn't feel that it was long term! It is also true about friendships. I made a few more friends this year but I wish I could have made more. I didn't push myself to meet more people or hang around my old friends more!

4. Is there anything that you are going to miss about 2002? Are there memories about that year that makes it special?

Actually I will remember 2002 alot. I did get more experience from relationships this year though they weren't as long as I wanted them to be. I hope I can gain more experience in 2003.

5. Do you have a New Year's resolution?

I actually have a few of them. One is trying to lose weight and be more healthy. Hopefully I can lose at least 20 pounds before I go to Hawaii next year! Secondly, I want to be less aloof, or in other words, not as distant or reserved as I normally am. I want to open up more to my friends and be more of a friend to them. I want to meet more people and make new friends!


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