Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Thursday, March 13, 2003

I have been wondering lately if there are rules or etiquette for links to other journals? The few journals that I have linked from mine, I either know the people personally or having emailed them a few times after reading their journals. It sounds strange but do I have the right to link any journal to mine without consent? There are several journals that I have read from time to time that I like very much because they are compelling or stimulating. For example, for the last week, I have actually read a journal written by a porn actress who is very intellectually stimulating.....and yes, I find it also very compelling by it's sexual material. So is there etiquette to wanting to link this journal to my own? I may not agree with the lifestyles, or beliefs, or morals of the people whose journals I read, but at the same time I find myself drawn to know these people have all at least one thing in common.....the need for communication. I respect all walks of life but I know that I would be judged by those very same people. But oh well.....that's life. It will go on with or without us anyway!


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