Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Friday, February 28, 2003

So I made it into work today, even though it seems like half of Charlottesville doesn't have to be. Both my folks are off today, but I felt bad because my father had to drive me into work today, since my car is getting a state inspection. He has to stay in town all day because of me. Why can't I just get a government job and stay home when the weather gets bad like this???
As for the weather, I hope it doesn't get any worse. My cousin Dee was going to throw a birthday party for her four year daughter, Courtney, this Saturday. However, she believes she may have to cancel it. She was expecting to have it at a local skating ring....rollar skating that is. God knows every time I put on rollar skates, I immediately fall on my ass everytime. Because of that fact, I was not planning on going to the party. However, Courtney is such the cutest kid! My mom actually took her to the SPCA on Wednesday after asking what Courtney wanted to do for her birthday. Mom told me that she had no fear whatsoever there and just put her hand in every cage to pet all the dogs. Mom has always been deathly afraid of dogs, so I'm sure she had alot of anxiety when Courtney touched the dogs.
Anyway, I will actually be moving near them this year, once my house is finished being built. It will be strange to be living within a one mile radius of my mom's family. I guess I should start remembering all my cousin's names that live there. I'm serious when I say I meet a new cousin every time I go see them.

Well, it's still snowing!!! God, make it stop!!!!


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