Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Birthday dinner's and breaking ground

The weekend started out on Friday when I went to a birthday dinner for my girlfriend's father. Before we left, I stopped at their place thinking that it was a surprise for him. However when I got there Glenda, his wife, accidently told him so the surprise was gone. So, anyway, we all went out to a nice German restaurant in Madison called "The Bavarian Chef". The only people that went with us was a couple from Church.
I actually got him a present for his birthday, which was a book called "The Purpose Driven Life". He liked it and said that he was just about to get for himself.

On Saturday, I finally broke ground at my place. My uncle started out by digging up the spot where I wanted to build. Found out that there some huge boulders in some spots but nothing really big at where I was going to build. I was estatic because we were worried that was going to be a problem. Anyway, I hope to have the trailer moved out next weekend so they can put in the driveway up to the area.

Today, my company played our 8th softball game. I won't go into the details. Just know that we lost.....again! We suck!


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