Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Stressing of the Crispy

I am seriously stressing out right now about the house. I close in a week and a half, with some things still needing to get down. The porch is done but not the steps, and that's one of the things I need for the final county inspection....which in turn is needed for the occupancy permit....which is in turn is needed for to close with the bank! If this damn rain would go away, the mason can finish the steps. All the small things are really pushing me to insanity.

Funny thing last night too. I went up to the house after work and I found that my uncle put some more sand on the road so he could put down more rock for the drive way. Well, I tried to drive up it in my puny Mazda Protege! WRONG!!! I ended up slipping down back the driveway because it was too muddy and slick and almost ended up over the bank and dropping 5 feet over it onto the main road. Luckily, my wheels got stuck between the railroad ties that are near the edge.
So I stopped the car, and decided to meet my mom, who was finishing up painting at the house. However, she tried to back down the driveway in my father's baby, his Ford F150. WRONG AGAIN!!!! This time she was slipping back on the same spot too and had to stop before hitting my car which was still stuck. Well, we ended up calling my uncle to come and pull us out.

We didn't tell Dad what happened an>


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