Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Monday, May 26, 2003

Otherwise engaged!

I feel like Chandler from Friends....well, the early years that is. I remember a line that he had in one eposide where Ross's ex-wife, turned lesbian weds her girlfriend. At the wedding, there are ton's of lesbians there and Chandler, who seems frustrated, turns to one of the other friend's and says "My world is a lesbian wedding!" That's I feel with this world myself sometimes. The seems like everyone I know is now engaged, or married, or married with children! There are basically three people that I can only say this about now!
The first is my high school crush, Brandy. I had a crush on her throughout high school. Near the end, she started dated her boyfriend, Tuan. After graduating, I heard that those two got married and moved to California. I didn't hear anything about them until a few years ago, a friend of mine told me she heard that Brandy and Tuan got divorced....or that was the rumor! Anyway I didn't think anything about it.
At the very beginning of this year, I signed up for and I saw them two. I wrote to her but never got an answer so assumed that it was outdated since it said she was in California and married. However, just last week, it seemed as though she updated. I found out that she is still married, has one child, but is now in Virginia. I couldn't pass up a chance to email her to see how she was doing. I wrote to her yesterday so I haven't gotten any word yet.

There was another friend of mine that I also found on just last week too. Her name is Michele and I went to college with her. I also had a crush on her for a little while. We lost contact with each other just before graduation, which was three years ago. I was going through names last week, when her's popped up and I took the chance of looking for her in I didn't see her name under my college but I did find several Michele's for other school's including high school. I saw one that may have matched her so I took the chance to email her. Low and was her. She wrote back saying to email her and so I did, telling her about what I have been going through and that I missed her. Well, she just emailed me back, and I learned that she is engaged! Another lost dream I guess.

It doesn't end there! Every Sunday, I have the need to look at Weddings/Engagements in the paper. I am so addicted to it now because I am eager to see if I know anybody that is married or engaged. Well, this week, I found someone that I knew. Another girl that I had a crush on years ago named Elizabeth. I meet her while working at Monticello during the summer. She was very cute with a great smile and was also working the summer during school! I thought about asking her out and one day I had the balls to finally ask her out. However, after I told her that, she told me that she didn't have time to go with me now or during school! I was so pissed off at the time but I just bit down my pride and tried to be friends with her after that. Later, I learned that during that next semester, she was dating a guy at school! That made me pissed off at her. The next summer, while working at Monticello, she did work there but only for a little while. Since then, I haven't talked to her.

So there you have it! I swear it seems that whole world is just my lesbian wedding!


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