Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Saturday, August 02, 2003

The last two days have been a bit unusal for me!

It started yesterday morning, when for some odd reason, I locked myself out of my house when I just about to leave for work. I realized that I left my keys in the house when I got into the car. I looked all around the house to see if any of the doors or windows were unlocked. The very last window that I checked, it was unlocked but I had to get the screen off it first. I had to poke two holes in the screen to get it unlocked. Then after opening the window, I had to fall into the living room. I must have looked like an idiot.

At work, before lunch time, my co-worker, Dana, was looking at the paper and found a yard sale just up the road from where I work. Dana is what you call an "expert yardsaler". She talks about going to all these yardsales and finding all these deals on clothes and other stuff. She knows that I'm looking to get some stuff when I finish my house so she asked me if I wanted to come with her. I told her yes and we went there on our lunchbreak. We didn't find anything though.
However, on the way back, we saw a funny site! We passed an old Chevy Chevette going 35 mph up 29 North (the speed limit is 55). As Dana passed it, we see the guy driving with an WWII American Army helmet. Dana, at that point, just busted out laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with her. It's one of those "you had to been there" stories.

After work, we had our last game for our church softball team. It wouldn't have been our last but this was the playoffs and it was a double elimination and this was our second lost. I had to come in at third base because our usual third baseman injured himself the day before when he was doing yardwork. So this was my first time at third base.....and I think it was my last. A couple of times the ball came right at me from the hitter and I seemed to block the ball with my body. I got hit in the shin and the shoulder and left bruises on both. Anyway, we finished this year second in our division but weren't able to get to the championships. Better luck next year. Besides, I'm playing on my company team this fall!

Today, I got up early to go to yardsales with my mom and grandmother and a couple of cousins. I bought a few things, including a couple of books, a glass marble chess board that I'll probably give my father for Christmas, a movie "Lion King 2: Simba's Pride" for my father's collection, and Legos!!! Yes, I got legos. Most of them are Star Wars Legos and that's why I bought them. I found out that a few pieces are missing so I could finish a few items! Shucks!

After going to a couple of yardsales, we went to McDonalds for breakfast. After leaving, I saw and waved to my friend Kelly who if I remember correctly was going on date either last night or today! Kelly...I hope you have or had a good time on your date????!!! We also stopped a produce stand to get some fruits that my grandmother wanted. While there, I ran into a family friend, Nan Hutcherson. I went to school with her daughter Michelle and Nan was always a riot.

I will be leaving soon to go to a cookout tonight. A couple from church invited all the young adults from bible study to the cookout so I decided to go with girlfriend Loreley. Should be interesting! If so, I will write more about it tomorrow!


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