Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Some people are born mediocre, some people achieve mediocrity, and some people have mediocrity thrust upon them.
Joseph Heller (1923 - ), "Catch-22"

Lately, I've been realizing that one of the things I fear is being mediocre. Actually, the truth is that I don't ming being mediocre in my eyes, but I'm afraid to be mediocre in the eyes of my family and friends. Does that sound at all a bit strange to you? Now, I constantly hear from my family how special and wonderful I am, but aren't most families suppose to say that. It's a strange feeling to worry that everything you hear about yourself is not true. From what I hear, I should be glad to have such a positive environment to grow up in. But I still worry that it is not enough for me anymore.
I worry that friends only see me as a mediocre friend. They say it in words but never actions. I just want to be told that I can be a great friend, or a best friend or even a good friend. I worry that as time goes on, I won't be remembered much as a friend as those who I call friends move on with their lives.
I worry about being a mediocre boyfriend. Will I be remembered at all by those that I dated and/or loved. Will I be just another scratch on the wall, just another guy that she dated, just a memory that is only stirred when someone asks her "Oh, whatever happened to him?"
Or being remembered as a mediocre lover. Someone that you don't remember how it was when you kissed him. Someone that you said was just not that memorable when you slept with him. I wonder would she ever think about me at night when she was in bed with her new boyfriend or lover or husband?
In turn, I worry about being a mediocre husband whose wife wished for that old flame again or felt trapped by the bonds of marriage or kids. Does she think of him late at night when she is beside me? Do I ignite the passion that we felt when we first dated or is it just a tiny candle in our lives?

I guess mediocrity can be a scary feeling. Maybe this could be the reason for our wanting to be on top of the world, to be the best of what we can be. Would the world be a better place if we just strived to be mediocre?


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