Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Friday, October 18, 2002


I'm sure everybody has heard this law before. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". Well, what I usually experience isn't that extreme but I tend to see it that way. For me, anything that you plan.....will never become what it's suppose to be. I call it "Crispy's Law"! Usually every thing I try to plan never ends up the way I plan. I plan a party but it never comes true.....I plan to go out somewhere but end up nowhere.......I plan a date, she ends up sick!
Yes, I just got a call from Caitlin saying that she is sick and can not go out our date tonight. I would say I'm disappointed but I would expect this to happen, so as it happens, I can't be really disappointed. It's just that the paranoia comes out of me after something like this happens. I start to think, is she really sick or just saying that so she can let me down easy!
Well, I say......FUCK IT!!! I'm not going to let the paranoia get to me. I'm not going to let the voices inside my head get to me.....damn....that is paranoia!!! Oh well then! There's going to be a party inside my head then!!!


"Whatever happens...happens!"


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