Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

2004 sucks so far!!!!

I swear, 2004 just keeps getting better and better. Complete surprises behind every turn. It's been a hectic and frustrating week so far. Here's the recap of the last few days.


Okay, so my co-worker Dana is out till Thursday, since she is on leave because her grandfather died. So since she is gone, guess who has to step up to the plate and help....ME! Now I don't mind some of the stuff because I've been helping her anyway. However, I'm doing almost all her job for the this week, except for Thursday, when she'll be in for one day. Friday she goes to get an operation. So basically her job is to work on invoices and confirmations, which takes up most of the day. I havent' been able to do my work much for the last few weeks because I've been helping her out. I need a vacation!


I have this friend, Chau, who I've known since my freshman year in college. She is this very quite and secluded person....doesn't ask for help much. In October, I called her to see how she was doing. She told me that she wasn't doing too well because her father died, she quite her job, she broke up with her boyfriend of three years, and was in a car accident and still hurting from it, all within a few weeks before that time. She told me she call me back and I told her that I was coming up to Northern VA for New Years if she want to come and party.
Well, around Christmas, I decide to call her. However, I get a automated message on her phone that she wanted to thank everyone who called but wasn't taken any messages from anyone besides her doctor and lawyer. I knew she was in trouble to do this. It also said to call back on Jan. 2nd.
So after New Years, I tried calling but it said that the phone was not answering. So I waited a few weeks and callled again last night. However, it said that the phone number was not in service anymore. I got freaked out and decided to email her, in hoping that it would work saying I was worried about her. Well, I got an answer.....SHE FUCKING MOVED TO CALIFORNIA!!!! One line email....said she moved there to get settled and is a bit busy to reply back at the moment. I am so frustrated with her now! It just pisses me off to think that a friend would not tell this to me.


I had another wierd dream again last night. This time, I'm playing on jungle bars but I'm full grown. I see Paris Hilton and a couple of other girls hanging around there too. I'm hoping to get thier attention but it doesn't work. Then I run into a guy I know.....but never really knew that well.....John Delong.....and he wants to fight me. I stand up to him, but we don't fight.....and he backs down. The dream then goes on by me inviting Paris and the other girls to a family party. That's where it ends
So I decide to tell a couple of co-workers about this dream, including my friend Rachel. Apparently they both agreed what the dream meant. Here's the synopsis....I'm trying to find a girlfriend by getting the attention of Paris and other girls......very plausible! Standing up to John......facing myself that I don't like.......could very well be! And inviting Paris and girls to my family party......I want to have a family......maybe!!!!

So why the hell am I having so many fucking dreams!!!!

I need a vacation! I think I'll go to Ireland and find me a nice busty fiery Redhead!


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