Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Friday, January 16, 2004

Home on a Friday night....

I'm here, at home, on a Friday night! It's been a long week at work. Our vendor expeditor, Maranatha, had a breakdown or something and hasn't come in all week. What's bad enough is that she had a stack of work in which some is dated since October. Her job is a contact between vendor and customer and see the status of most orders that customers make. It's not good when she neglects customer orders since October.
Well anyway our Call Center director, Mitch, asked if my co-worker Dana who is the closest thing to working with vendors to do all her shit. The thing is, Dana is in the Merchandising department with me, and Maranatha works downstairs in the call center, so it is to different departments. Well, since Dana is doing Maranatha's job, I'm the lucky one who get's to do Dana's job, which I know by now. It just pisses Dana and I off the Maranatha allowed her work to pile up like that and then have us, a totally different department, work on it.
To top it all off, Dana and I only get a 4 percent raise which is suppose to be the company standard, we work our asses off. It was even acknowledged at the last company dinner, when the two of us worked on 10,000 invoices in a month....which was a record! And yet, there are a few people in the company that actually get more than the 4 percent because they either (A) bitch and moan and say that they will quit if they don't get what they want or (B) some just kiss up to the higher ups!

Anyway that's my rant for the week!

Right now I'm watching Talk Sex With Sue Johanson! I guess since I'm not getting any at the moment, I might as well listen to other peoples problems. Actually it's quite a funny and intertaining show on the Oxygen channel. She is the this old lady who talks about sex issues with callers and even shows off some toys and other tools! You never really get use to hearing this old lady talk about sex!

I've been having wierd dreams lately. One of the dreams include being in the next town over, Waynesboro, during a natural disaster such as a volcano or earthquake. During it, I remember dreaming of people trying to get out of town while a few of us stay. At one point, I am staying in a huge house which turns into a movie theater. I remember pulling out a gun which I think is laser scoped and shooting it a screen, but the gun doesn't work when I fire it. I don't remember much after that. Anyway, during lunch this work, I told a few people about the dream and they seemed to interpret it as dealing with the breakup with Loreley (which the natural disaster is interpreted as) and the gun not working......well, apparently deals with "shooting blanks"! I don't tell me!

Tomorrow, I will be working on the house again. We might put up the siding on the outside if it's not too cold. I also think that we will work on the front porch too.

Well, let me get back to Sue and hear about all the anal sex and female orgasims!


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