Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


I want to apologize to those that have read my previous entry. As some have pointed out, my rant was not logical nor unbaised in my statement about "bad boys". I went off on a common rant that I have that I not completely true about all women wanting to date bad boys or those in need. I have been corrected on this issue many times, but always tend to come back to this conclusion when I am frustrated with the opposite sex. I apologize for my rant on the subject.

However, I hope you realize that at the time, I was angry, upset, and frustrated. At times, I write in this journal as a way to project my anger and frustration, in only because I did not feel like vented that to another person. I only say this rant when I get upset with myself in believing that "bad boy" concept only applies to me. I know it's not true, but I can't help from my experience to sometimes believe it. Can you honestly say that in this situation of anger and frustration that logic, instead of emotion, is applied?

I want to thank you to those who offered their sentiments and support. Again, I will apologize for my illogical approach and rant but not my state of mind. I hope you understand.


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