Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Giving Thanks!

Well, in the spirit of the holiday, it's tradition to give thanks to the things in your life that you are thankful for. I guess I am in that spirit now. I want to share what I am thankful for:

1. I'm thankful for my parents. My parents have been a big help to me as of late, especially my father. They've been a lot of help with the building of my house. My father has taken charge and I feel lost without him. My mom has given me a lot of support. I'm sure that I could plan this house myself, but the job probably would never have been done right.

2. I'm thankful for my friends. I'm glad to have in my life the kind of friends that I have. We may not talk or interact as much as most friends do, but I know that they are right there for me when I need and I for them. There are a few that come to mind right now. My friend Rachel, who I have not known that long, but has offered her friendship to me these last few months. I appreciate it. My friend Ginger, who these last few months has been extremely busy herself, but is right there when I need her. She sent me an email today asking what I want I wanted for my birthday and Christmas. I refused to tell her what I wanted but I know she is currently financially strapped and was about to move in with her boyfriend, who she is extremely happy with now! There are other friends that I am thankful to have in my life but I just wanted to name a few.

3. I'm am thankful for my girlfriend Loreley. I can't say that our relationship is perfect or great but I am happy to have her in my life. Our relationship is often a struggle because we deal with finding time to be togther (She goes to school and works and I have been focusing on the house) and some of our beliefs tend to clash. However, overall, I am just happy to have her in my life.


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