Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I'm beginning to find out there are several downsides to living out in the middle of nowwhere! Snow is a big problem. You want to know why? Because they don't plow the roads out here! Ever! That's what I found out. I have to venture out onto the snow covered roads that may never melt because it's so freakin cold! I have notice that they will start at a certain point when they do finally plow the a small rich community about 10 miles down road. No....don't want to upset them. As for us, we can use our big ole 4 wheel drives and drive out on our own!

Also, snow brings wind. Wind will rock trees. Rocking trees bring down branches. Downed branches will cause electric lines to break and cause my electricity to go out. It's not good when you wake to find that you have no electricity and it's in the teens outside and the electric company will have a hard time coming because they don't plow the roads! I'm lucky though that I have my gas fireplace to keep me warm and toasty. However, I can't stand not having anything to without electricity so I had to leave and go to a friend's house!

I must be getting old!


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