Crispy's Corner

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Location: Charlottesville, Virginia, United States

Thursday, January 09, 2003

High School....again!

I was watching a show on the WB channel tonight called High School Reunion. What it does is that on the 10 year reunion of the class of 92, it brings forth a bunch of people from that class to see how things...or if things...have changed in 10 years, let these people stay for two weeks in a mansion in Hawaii, and see what happens to them. I have to say it's an interesting concept really. I know in High School, I was the shy, quiet, nerd/loner! It seemed like they took every person that had the stereotypical role that one would have in H.S., such as the jock, the cheerleader, the unattainable girl, and the nerd. The question is, would if had a certain role in high school, would you be the same 10 years later?
I ask that about me....have I changed since high school? I will be coming up on my 10 year reunion in another 3 years. I tend to believe that I have gotten far from my image that I portrayed in high school after going through college. I may tend to be the shy and quiet type when it comes to meeting new people but I tend to warm up to them. Also finding out other classmates have or have not changed is another thing. Now because I still live in the same area, the same house, since high school, I tend to run into a few old classmates now and again. I have also took the step of signing on to, a site where you can see other classmates in high school and college. I've already email several people that I found on there that I went to high school with. Some have replied back, but I'm still curious to see if others will. Actually there is one person on there that I had a huge crush on all throughout high school but never really told her. She was the prom queen, and the last I heard was that she married the prom king, went with him to California, but a few years ago heard that they divorced. I'm starting to think that I could get a second chance. But the question, has those people changed or stayed the same?

Question: What were you in high school and do you believe you changed?


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